Best Music: Heritage
Best Visual: Heritage
Best General Effect: Heritage
Best Music: Warsaw
NOTE: this competition was moved indoors for a standstill performance. There were no visual judges and no visual GE repertoire score.
Best Music: Adams Central
Best Visual: Adams Central
Best General Effect: Adams Central
Best Music: Northwood
Best General Effect: Northwood
NOTE: this competition was moved indoors for a standstill performance. There were no visual judges and no visual GE repertoire score.
NOTE: this competition was moved indoors for a standstill performance. There were no visual judges and no visual GE repertoire score.
Best Music: Carroll
NOTE: this competition was moved indoors for a standstill performance. There were no visual judges and no visual GE repertoire score.
Rich Nicola, Music Individual
Albert Lo, Music Ensemble
Ken Turner, Music Effect
Ed Devlin, Visual Effect
Don Deems, Visual Individual
Dan Niebauer, Visual Ensemble
Gourmet Hot Dogs
Fire Kissed Pizza
Berry Patch desserts
Kettle Corn
Elephant Ears